Solution providers were front and center during the pandemic, equipping customers with the technologies and services they needed to survive. As we look ahead, partners are retooling their business models to capitalise on the XaaS revenue streams and digital transformation investments, that have been a hallmark of the Covid crisis.

Robust XaaS offerings will support consumption-based pricing models, accommodate client’s desires to migrate workloads and help customers optimise & digitise their businesses. At XChange EMEA, we will explore how solution providers can successfully deliver on the demands and promises of a new digital world, all while navigating the significant challenges of supply chain constraints and increasingly tight labor markets.

88% of attendees would follow up with a vendor they met at the event

71% of attendees would recommend coming back or inviting a colleague to XChange events

Company sizes that attend our XChange events

XChange attendees include CEOs, business owners, partners, directors and more