Alex Tatham, Westcoast
Alex Tatham
Executive Director

Having spent the majority of his career in IT Distribution, Alex has been in a variety of different roles including Commercial Director at Ideal Hardware, Head of Global Software Sales at Bell Micro and Managing Director at Britain’s largest technology distributor and largest privately owned technology business – Westcoast.

Alex’s current role drives Services as well as new customer and vendor partnerships across an increasing number of locations and subsidiaries in the Westcoast Group. Never short of an opinion and with a huge network across local business in the Thames Valley (where Westcoast are headquartered), the UK IT channel and the IT industry in general – Alex also leads Westcoast’s loud voice to the UK industry and political lobby.

A huge advocate for American Express, Westcoast and Alex himself pioneered a corporate credit card into its major business and retail customers creating value for customers, enabling a huge growth in business and loyalty for Amex across the IT channel. Alex has a degree in Zoology from Durham University and qualified as a chartered accountant with EY. Above all, Alex is enthusiastic, energetic and engaging.